Warts - remedies for treatment with medicines and folk methods

A wart found on the body is not a cause for concern and anxiety. This nuisance can be addressed even if it has happened to your child. In any pharmacy you will find a large selection of remedies for warts: there are special preparations, ointments, creams that help to remove these disgusting growths from the skin. You can try to use folk methods that have been proven for centuries, the effectiveness of which has been proven by our great-grandmothers.

What are warts?

Before choosing the right remedy for your treatment, it is important to understand that the skin lesions you find are warts. What is their appearance, what are the differences from papillomas, mollusks, moles? Warts are small nodular growths of viral origin. As a rule, they form on the skin of the hands and feet and tend to grow rapidly (see photo below).

The carrier of the virus may not be aware of his disease - external manifestations tend to appear when immunity is weakened or during hormonal changes (in children - during adolescence) and can disappear on their own. For other reasons, doctors include:

  • excessive dryness or excessive moisture in the skin;
  • frequent injuries to the skin of the hands;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the diet;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules.

In most cases, the growths do not bother the patient in any way, do not cause itching or damage. However, it is necessary to fight the virus, because this is not just a cosmetic problem. Any skin formations of a benign nature can, in advanced cases, not only bring the patient many practical inconveniences, but also cause the appearance of malignant formations. Timely initiated treatment helps to quickly get rid of this scourge.

wart on a finger how to treat

Remedies for warts

Medicine offers a wide range of various treatments: ointments, creams, drops, antiviral and immunostimulating drugs, even special patches. Growths can be surgically removed - today many cosmetic medicine centers provide the service of cauterizing growths using liquid nitrogen.

If large areas of skin tissue are affected, you should definitely consult a doctor to select the most effective course of treatment. Often in such a situation, treatment is prescribed, including immunomodulators (to stimulate the immune system), a course of vitamins and a local antiviral agent.

Remedy for warts and papillomas in the pharmacy

You can buy a remedy for warts and papillomas at a pharmacy without a prescription. These drugs are:

  • iodine and castor oil;
  • special ointments;
  • special antiviral creams;
  • oily solutions;
  • lapis lazuli pencil - an alkaline agent with a cauterizing effect, based on silver nitrate;
  • for oral administration - tablets;
  • cryopreparations.

When deciding which method of treatment to choose, pay attention not only to the active active substance of the medicine. According to the method of exposure, all funds are divided into:

  • immunomodulatory drugs;
  • necrotizing;
  • keratolytic;
  • freezing of cryopreparations.

Before using drugs with necrotizing effect, read the instructions: avoid applying the product on non-infected areas of the skin to avoid burns and scars. Treat the area around the buildup with petroleum jelly before application. Immediately rinse untreated areas of skin with running water if medication accidentally spills on them. You should not use this group of drugs to remove skin neoplasms on the face.

castor oil for warts


Why is it preferable to choose ointments for treatment? They are more convenient to use than oily solutions or gels, they are absorbed better, eventually penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin tissue. Thus, they most effectively cope not only with external manifestations, but also prevent the multiplication of the virus at the intracellular level. This simple remedy for papillomas and warts can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Oxolinic ointment

The three percent oxolinic ointment against warts not only kills the virus in the affected cells, but also protects healthy cells from its spread. The product is applied to the growth itself and surrounding skin three to four times a day. The effectiveness of the application increases if, before applying the drug, the growth on the skin is sprayed and dead areas are removed.

The duration of treatment will range from a few weeks to two months. The main advantage of oxolinic ointment is the safety of use: it can be prescribed to children and pregnant women; the agent is removed from the tissues during the day. If you want a speedy recovery, choose a fast-acting HPV infection treatment.

Salicylic ointment

Another widely known active agent is salicylic ointment for warts. It is applied to growths once a day, the volume is not more than one gram per day; before processing, dead particles of formation are removed, and then a sterile bandage is applied. The application is continued until the buildup disappears completely. As a rule, this is a long process lasting 30 days. Ointment is not prescribed for the removal of papillomas on the skin of the face, for children, for violations of the kidneys, in treatment for diabetes mellitus.

Medicine for papillomas and warts

In addition to drugs for external use, the doctor can prescribe drugs for papillomas and warts in the form of capsules. In this way, two mechanisms are combined to combat the problem: antiviral and immunomodulator. They produce special tablets against HPV, their reception is combined with the use of creams and ointments with an immunostimulating effect. Conversely, if you are prescribed antiviral ointment, the immunomodulator will be prescribed in pill form.

Antiviral drugs

There are special antiviral drugs in the form of pills, which are prescribed in parallel with the course of external use. While taking antiviral drugs, immunomodulatory agents are often prescribed to prevent the virus from coming back. These are tablets and an ointment that is used within two weeks of the disappearance of the skin neoplasm.


You can use wart-specific creams to treat HPV infections. The drugs act on the virus intracellularly and prevent further multiplication.

Prepare for freezing

The simplest and most effective means of removing skin neoplasms are preparations for freezing warts. Cryopreparations are produced in the form of a spray and are convenient for practical use - no prior preparation, such as steaming the skin, is required. The main thing is to correctly diagnose growth, since such drugs should not be used against mollusks or skin moles.


Necrotizing agents are often available in the form of a solution for warts. The active ingredients in their composition cauterize the neoplasm - that is why their use requires accuracy. Before removal, the growths are steamed and then gently lubricated with a toxic solution. As a rule, the procedure must be repeated up to ten times to remove a skin lesion.


Among the drops from warts, a popular drug that contains salicylic and lactic acids, the active ingredient polydocanol, is characterized by very good reviews. The product has a pungent odor, effectively exfoliates skin neoplasms, has antiseptic and antibacterial effects. The standard course of treatment is continued for a week, the medicine is applied to the growths once a day.

Patch for the treatment of plantar and common warts

Recently, special patches have appeared for the treatment of plantar and common warts. The mechanism of their action is simple: a piece of plaster is glued to the skin formation for a day or two. After removing the patch, the skin is steamed, the dead areas of the neoplasm are removed. These actions are repeated until the buildup is completely rejected. Most reviews about the use of this remedy are positive, it is sold in a pharmacy at an affordable price.

Folk remedies

In addition to medicines, folk remedies for warts are also effective. Proven recipes can sometimes help better than the latest pharmaceutical developments. The most popular and really working are:

  • celandine stem juice during its flowering period;
  • crushed Kalanchoe leaves;
  • onions, garlic;
  • mountain milkweed infusion for smoking neoplasms.